Sunday, November 15, 2009

Letting Go... A light easy feeling of being free of burden....  
What you are letting go of is the struggle, the panic, the longing for things to be other than they are....

Letting go is a state of mind and body.  It is a light easy feeling of being free od burden, a quiet that settle over you like a cosmic tranquilizer.  What you are letting go of is the struggle, the panic, the longing for things to be other than they are... Letting go is relinquishing control, giving up the effort to force your life in one direction by manipulating your situation and the people around you.  

It is turning your life over to fate, recognizing that fortune never comes in the form you expect, and trusting the natural flow of the universe.   Letting go is recognizing you do not have all the answers.  You do not know enough to be able to control everything.  You can work with the forces in the universe that make things happen, but you don't have to make everything happen yourself. 
By Susan Page